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Press Release: 13th Anniversary of Mumbai terror attack: Webinar (26.11.2021)

Posted on: November 29, 2021 | Back | Print

Embassy of India, Rome 


Press Release

13th Anniversary of Mumbai terror attack: Webinar

The Embassy of India, Rome in association with Glocal Cities organised a webinar to observe the 13th anniversary of the Mumbai terror attack. Besides Ambassador Dr. Neena Malhotra, the webinar was attended by eminent speakers which included Hon’ble Member of European Parliament Gianna Gancia, ex-Foreign Minister Ambassador Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, Kings College, London researcher Mr. Mauro Bonavita and Corriere Della Sera Journalist Mr. Danilo Taino. The webinar was moderated by Mr. Vas Shenoy.

In her opening remarks Ambassador Malhotra highlighted that the truth behind the dastardly Mumbai terror attack is known to the world and the International community must ensure that the masterminds and perpetrators of the attack are held accountable. The world must call out Pakistan which has not only provided its territory to be used against India but has failed to act against terror outfits engaged in violent Jihad in the neighbourhood.

Hon’ble MEP Gianna Gancia remarked that the reversal of the conviction of the six members of Lashkar-e-Taiba by Pakistan's courts is a very worrying scenario not only for justice for the 26/11 victims but for the world at large. The EU must stop being ambiguous with Pakistan and must be firm in condemnation of Pakistan's support of terror.

Amb. Giulio Terzi said that the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai need to serve as a marker for the change in the security dynamic in the subcontinent, especially in the context of the relationship between the EU-India and Italy-India. While it is a part of the declaration of the joint EU-India delegation, it is important to note that every party must fulfil its efforts to prevent terrorist groups operating from their territory.

Journalist Mr. Taino observed that Pakistan's role in the 26/11 attacks created a new paradigm of terror and it was repeated later in attacks in Paris at Bataclan among others. This is worrying, not only for Pakistan's democracy but for the rest of the world. He added that given that China owns over 38% of Pakistan's external debt, there is much to be worried about the strengthening of Pakistan China link against India.

Mr Bonavita said that the change in the security politics of the region, maritime as well as territorial, is now key to the dynamic of the Indo-Pacific and the EU must support India not only at a bilateral level but also a multilateral level.

The recording of the webinar is available on Youtube https://youtu.be/rIZWrZQg5E0

Date: 26.11.2021
