Emergency Contact No. +39-331 614 2085 (Indian Embassy in Rome), +39-388 164 7527 (Indian Consulate in Milan)

Contact Us

Via XX Settembre, 5
Rome, Italy

Tel: 0039 064884642-3-4-5
Fax: 0039 064819539

Note: For Consular related queries, please call between 14.30-17:15 hrs on working days.
For contact details of the Embassy officials, Kindly click here
Please provide us your email address, if you wish us to contact you:
Your email address:

Working Hours


ChanceryMonday to Friday: 09.00 - 17.30 Hrs.

Consular Wing:
09.30-11.00 hrs Passports/OCI and other Miscellaneous Consular Services

9.30-11.00 hrs   Visas/OCI (Individual applicants) (Counter No.1)
11.30-12.30 hrs Applications from authorized Visa Agencies  (Counter No.1)

(Holding an Entry Token by applicant is not a guarantee for acceptance of the Application. Entry Token is non-transferable and should not be taken out of the Embassy premises)

Delivery of documents:

Passports/OCI : Applicants have to deposit their old passport or Italian Passport (for OCI) strictly between 9:30 – 11:00 hrs. 
New passports /OCI will be delivered only between 12:00 – 12:30 hrs
16.30-17.00 hrs Visas/OCI (Individual applicants) (Counter No.1)
17.00-17.30 hrs Delivery of Miscellaneous Consular Services

Telephone enquiry time : 14.30-17:15 hrs on working days

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