About Us Scholarships Offered to Italian Nationals

  • Scholarship to study Hindi at Kendriya Hindi Sansthan Agra (India) - 2025-26

    Kendriya Hindi Sansthan (KHS), Agra, invites applications for scholarships under the "Propagation of Hindi Abroad" scheme for the 2025-26 academic session. The scheme is administered by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
    Applicants with twelve (12) years of school or college education are eligible to apply. Selected candidates (age 19–45 years) will receive round-trip economy airfare and admission to KHS Agra. 
    Interested candidates may submit their applications to this Embassy by 10th March 2025 via email: [email protected].in  
    For Brochures and the application forms, click here 
    For more details, visit www.hindisansthan.in 
  • Lata Mangeshkar Scholarships - 2025-2026

    We are delighted to invite you to apply for the prestigious Lata Mangeshkar Scholarships for the academic year 2025-2026 for talented and deserving students.

    Study Indian dance, music, theatre, performing art, sculpture, Indian languages, Indian cuisine etc. at Indian Universities or Institutes in the academic year 2025-26.
    Scholarship granted by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).
    Candidates can apply on ICCR Portal from 20 February, 2025. Last date to submit applications is 30 April 2025.
    For more details and to apply visit ICCR A2A Portal https://a2ascholarships.iccr.gov.in
