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National Youth Day Celebrations

Posted on: January 12, 2022 | Back | Print

National Youth Day Celebrations

Embassy of India, Rome celebrated the National Youth Day on 12.01.2022 at its premises to mark the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda Ji with fervour and enthusiasm. The event was joined by around 40 Indian students and youths. The students were from the Sapienza University, LUMS and those who are undertaking religious students in Rome.

The event commenced with the screening of documentary on the life of Swami Vivekanand Ji. Later, Ambassador addressed the audience. In her speech, she highlighted the importance of Swami Ji vision for India and role of the youths in achieving that dream. She impressed upon the need for imbibing the high ideals of his teaching for bringing the change in the society.

Later, the students interacted with the Ambassador and other Embassy officials. Light refreshment was also arranged on the occasion. 
