General Information about Visas
Journalists, press and media persons, editors, camerapersons, film/documentary directors/producers/editors going to India for tourism can only be granted Journalist Visa, even if they wish to visit only for Tourism Purpose. They also need to give an undertaking that they will not carry out any journalism/ media related work, if their declared purpose of visit to India is Tourism.
Documents to be attached with Visa application:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport/ Identity Certificate, if any.
4. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
5. Copy of return ticket/hotel booking/invitation letter with ID proof
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1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Additional form for non-Italians.
5. Letter of invitation from the Indian company specifying the nature of the visits, dates of the first visit planned, personal, passport and designation details of the applicant. Indian company has to provide a copy of Registration/ Incorporation Certificate
6. Sending company to issue a letter specifying the nature of the visits, dates of the first visit planned, personal and passport details of the applicant as well as his designation within the company. Foreign company has to provide a copy of Registration/ Incorporation Certificate.
7. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
8. Application and supporting documents for Business Visa should be submitted in duplicate.
9. Air Pilots applying for business visa to pilot planes in India should also submit clearance of the Ministry of Civil Aviation of India.
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* Employment visa can be granted for a job with annual gross salary exceeding USD 25,000.
* The period of the visa will depend on the validity of the contract limited to a maximum of 5 years.
Documents to be attached with Visa application:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Fax form for non-Italians.
5. Request from the Indian employer to issue visa.
6. Self Attested copy of the contract with the Indian employer that has been notarized in India.
7. Gross annual salary contract exceeding US Dollars 25,000/-.
8. Copy of the registration of the Indian company with the Indian authorities.
9. Embassy/Consulate reserves the right to ask for copies of Educational and Professional Certificates of the applicant, if required.
10. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
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* Student Visas can be obtained on furnishing proof of admission (original admission letter) from recognized Universities/Institutions in India for a maximum period of 5 years, restricted to the duration of the course.
* Student Visa valid for three entries each academic year may be granted. If applicant intends to stay in India more than 180 days consecutive he/ she has to register at the FRRO or FRO within 14 days from arrival.
Documents to be attached with Visa application:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Additional form for non-Italians.
5. Admission letter issued by the Indian Institution/ University. Original may be required for verification at the time of submission of visa application.
6. Proof of availability of sufficient money to support their stay in India including the expenses for hostel and tuition fees.
7. Copy of the Medical Insurance.
8. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
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Journalist Visas are granted to professional journalists, press persons, photographers, filmmakers, representatives of radio and television and similar personnel in the field of information.
Original Journalist card has to be presented at the visa counter and a photocopy of the same should be attached with the visa application.
If jounalists are going for professional assignments or are on official accreditation to India, they should submit Assignment/ Accreditation letter in original issued by the media organization.
Documents to be attached with Visa application:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Additional form for non-Italians.
5. Letter in original issued by the media organization in case of going for assignment to India
6. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
7. Photocopy of Journalist card along with original journalist card
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1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Additional form for non-Italians.
5. Letter from the established/recognized/specialized hospitals/treatment centres in India on their letter head.
6. A letter of reference copy of medical prescription from the doctor in Italy, if available.
7. Proof of availability of sufficient money to support their stay in India including the expenses for medical treatment
8. Copy of the Medical Insurance.
9. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
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Visa to carry out an internship in India:
Trainees of multinational companies/ corporate houses going to India for in-house training in the regional hubs of the concerned companies located in India and students sponsored by AIESEC for internship with Indian companies can apply for Business Visa.
If internship is under French International Internship Programme Employment visa may be granted.
Please note that in case of Internship in a Private company/establishment the foreign national sponsored for Internship should draw a minimum remuneration of Indian Rupees 9 Lakhs per annum, which is equivalent to US Dollars 15,000 per annum.
All Visa seekers are required to attach copies of their latest passport with the visa application submitted to the Embassy of India, Rome
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Transit Visa:
* Transit Visa is granted for the sole purpose of enabling the holder to travel to India to reach his/her ultimate destination. Evidence/air ticket for onward travel to the destination outside India should be produced.
* Transit Visas are valid for maximum 15 days, with stay permitted for a maximum of 3 days. Validity of the visa starts from the date of issue.
* Double Entry Transit Visas can be granted, but the period of stay in transit is restricted upto 3 days on each visit.
Documents to be attached with Visa application:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Additional form for non-Italians.
6. Evidence/air ticket for onward travel to the destination outside India should be produced.
7. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
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Visa for working with a NGO's registered in India:
* Employment Visa will be issued to an applicant who wishes to come to India for honorary work (without salary) with an NGO registered in India. The period of the visa will depend on the validity of the contract limited to a maximum of 1 year.
* A monthly honorarium up to a ceiling of 10,000 Indian Rupees is admissible that can be paid to foreigners going to India to work with NGOs.
* In case of volunteers, Applicant's bank guarantee/certificate/statement or a letter of support from the parent/guardian accompanied by a bank guarantee/certificate/statement along with photocopy of his/her passport or Italian identity card including the page with holder's signature, tallying with the one on the letter, should be submitted.
Documents to be attached with Visa application:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Fax form for non-Italians.
5. Proof of availability of sufficient money to support their stay in India including the expenses for hostel and tuition fees.
6. Copy of the Medical Insurance.
7. Charter of objectives of the Indian NGO for which it was created and its fields of work
8. Description of job and duties of the employee in accordance with the objectives of the NGO
9. Original copy of the contract with the Indian NGO with a stamp of Notary in India
10. Copy of the registration of the NGO with the Indian authorities.
11. Copies of Educational and Professional Certificates of the applicant.
12. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
13. Undertaking as given below, by the Indian employer. Indian company would be responsible to meet all expenditure etc/taxes if any.
We take full responsibility for the activities and conduct of Mr/Mrs __________ national of __________ during his/her stay in India. If anything adverse comes to notice during the period, we undertake to repatriate him/her on our cost. We also take all responsibilities on account of financial obligations and Income tax liabilities of the applicant as provided under the Income Tax Act of India, 1961.
Signature of competent authority:
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Visa for participating in CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, WORKSHOPS:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - if your passport was issued in last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Additional form for non-Italians.
5. Invitation letter received on the letterhead of the Indian organization/UN organizations.
6. Presentation/ assignment letter from the applicant’s respective organization.
7. If the invitation is from an NGO in India then a copy of the registration certificate of the same with the Indian Authorities is required.
8. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
9. Clearances from MHA/ MEA and nodal department for Conferences/ Seminars organized by Private organizations/ NGOs.
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Visa for performing artists:
Those going to India for Charitable performances e.g an artist going for painting exhibition, musician for musical shows etc on charitable basis have to apply for Entry Visa.
Those going to India for short term paid performances e.g an artist going for painting exhibition, musician for musical shows etc have to apply for Business Visa.
Those going to India for long term paid performances e.g an artist going for painting exhibition, musician for musical shows etc have to apply for Employment Visa.
Documents Needed for all Three Categories :
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport - If your current passport was issued within last 6 months, the Embassy may need to see the old passport. If old passport is not available, the applicant may submit a sworn affidavit to this effect.
3. Other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) and duly filled Additional form for non-Italians.
5. Invitation letter covering the above mentioned aspects from the Indian Partner or Institution.
7. Proof of registration by Indian company/organization with the Government of India.
8. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant
In the case of employment visa, all the documents listed under the respective headlines should be provided as well.
All visa seekers are required to attach copies of their latest passport with the visa application submitted to the Embassy of India, Rome
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Visa for Persons of Indian Origin:
Spouses and children of Indian nationals or nationals of Indian origin can obtain an Entry Visa valid up to 5 years on production of following documents:
1. Printout of Online Visa application form with uploaded photo and 1 photograph in light background
2. Passport.
3. Old passport or any other nationality passport /Identity Certificate, if any.
4. Residence proof (More than 2 years residence) or dully filled Additional form for non-Italians.
5. Any of the following –
* Copy of the Cancelled Indian passport
* Copy of Surrender Certificate/ Deemed Surrender Certificate issued to him/her upon renunciation of Indian citizenship along with cancelled Indian passport and photocopy.
7. Original apostilled Marriage certificate /Original Birth certificate in case of their spouses/children married/ born in Italy
8. Copy of Marriage certificate attested in case spouse married in India.
9. All pages of the documentation submitted should be self-attested by the applicant.
13) At please change all the content with - Please change also title from “Other types of visas” to “Visas for RESEARCH PROJECTS. MISSIONARY WORK, MOUNTAINEERING OR OTHER EXPEDITIONS”
Visas for Research Projects. Missionary Work, Mountaineering or other Expeditions, Documentary or Film making
For these category of Visas, the applicants are requested to directly get in touch with the Embassy/Consulate for ascertaining the requirements/further details.